CSL flyer oneup - CAMPUSSAAL

Wir laden ein zum SWISS SPRING SHOW 2024 Sonntag, 07. April 2024 Ein Frühlingserwachen der Muskeln und Motivation: Die Swiss Spring Show 2024 Mit den ersten warmen Sonnenstrahlen des Frühlings öffnet der CAMPUSSAAL in Brugg seine Tore für ein Ereignis, das mehr ist als nur ein Wettkampf – es ist eine Ode an die Kraft, […]

Career-Day der FHNW

career day - CAMPUSSAAL

Wir laden ein zum FHNW Career Day 2024 Dienstag, 19. März 2024 Career Day 2024: Networking im CAMPUSSAAL Der CAMPUSSAAL freut sich, am Dienstag, den 19. März 2024, Gastgeber des FHNW Career Day zu sein. An diesem Tag verwandelt sich unser Saal in Brugg-Windisch in einen lebendigen Begegnungsort, wo rund 120 Unternehmen und etwa 2000 […]

Aargauer WeinGenussPlus Erlebnis 2024

01WineGenussPlus2023 Post01 2000x2000 - CAMPUSSAAL

Erleben Sie am 8. und 9. März 2023 an über 40 Wein- und Regionalprodukteständen puren Genuss. Im CAMPUSSAAL Brugg-Windisch, direkt beim Bahnhof Brugg, können Sie hervorragende Aargauer Weine und köstliche Regionalprodukte degustieren, die lockere Atmosphäre geniessen und sich mit lokalen Winzern austauschen. Für Weinliebhaber werden Einsteiger-Workshops angeboten und die Kleinsten kommen im Kinderhort auf Ihre Kosten.

campussaal winter-night 2023

00 Flyer Winternight 01 - CAMPUSSAAL

Immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of the eighth "campussaal winter-night"! On Friday, 1 December 2023, a festive gala event in a class of its own awaits you. Look forward to a magical pre-Christmas ambience, accompanied by the sounds of Swiss artist Anna Rossinelli and a regional newcomer. Be enchanted by the atmospheric gala seating and enjoy an evening full of culinary delights and inspiring conversations. Be there and experience unforgettable moments in a stylish ambience!


herhack - CAMPUSSAAL

Wir laden ein zum #herHACK Freitag, 24. – 25. November 2023 Ein Hackathon, der inspiriert: #herHACK 2023 Bist du bereit, deine Fähigkeiten in der Welt der Technologie auf die Probe zu stellen und dabei etwas Gutes zu bewirken? Dann markiere dir den 24. und 25. November 2023 im Kalender, denn der Campussaal Brugg-Windisch wird zum […]

Martini-Treff 2023


Wir laden ein zum Martini-Treff 2023 Donnerstag, 02. November 2023 Anpfiff zum Martini-Treff 2023 Der Martini-Treff ist ein Networking-Event, das sich dieses Jahr um das Thema Sport dreht und welche Lektionen Unternehmer und Politiker daraus ziehen können. Mit spannenden Gästen aus verschiedenen Bereichen und einer Mischung aus Keynote-Vorträgen und Gesprächen verspricht der Abend informativ und […]


tech trend day flyer - CAMPUSSAAL

Wir laden ein zum TECH TREND DAY Dienstag, 31. Oktober 2023 Lösungen für eine Welt von morgen Entdecke die Zukunft der Technologie beim ersten TECH TREND DAY im CAMPUSSAAL Brugg-Windisch am 31. Oktober 2023! Präsentiert vom Hightech Zentrum Aargau, konzentriert sich die Veranstaltung auf bahnbrechende Themen wie Quantum Computing, Künstliche Intelligenz und Kreislaufwirtschaft. Experten aus […]


swiss grand prix flyer - CAMPUSSAAL

Welcome to the Swiss Grand Prix, the biggest and most spectacular bodybuilding event in Switzerland! On 22.10.2023, the impressive CAMPUSSAAL in Brugg will be transformed into the Mecca of bodybuilding and fitness. We invite athletes, coaches, fans and enthusiasts from all over the world to join this unforgettable event and celebrate the fascination of the sport together.

On the day, hundreds of highly motivated athletes will compete in various categories, such as Men's, Physique, Bikini, Wellness and Classic Physique, to show off their impressive bodies and hard work. They will not only compete for prestigious titles, but also for the coveted IFBB Pro Cards and the opportunity to compete at international level.

In addition to the competitions, you can expect exciting workshops, informative seminars and inspiring talks from some of the most renowned experts in the industry. Learn more about training techniques, nutrition, competition preparation and much more to achieve your personal fitness goal.

The Expo Area offers the perfect opportunity to discover the latest trends, products and services in the fitness and bodybuilding industry. Meet top athletes, get autographs and photos and be motivated by their stories and successes.

The Future of Exams

Future of Exams - CAMPUSSAAL

Wir laden ein zur The Future of Exams Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2023 The Future of Exams: wir eröffnen die Diskussion Eine Vortragsreihe zur Frage «Wie prüfen wir morgen?» Das Event ist eine Vortragsreihe, die sich mit der Zukunft von Prüfungen im Hochschulbereich beschäftigt. Initiiert von der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz und der Berner Fachhochschule, will die Reihe […]


Artboard 1 - CAMPUSSAAL

Supply and resources are important aspects of running a successful economy. We have seen that this is the case in the last two years and are currently experiencing the aftermath. Shortages and problems can lead to massive conflicts. Empty warehouses, transport failures, shortages of necessities such as energy, water, food, raw materials, etc. cripple an economy. Whoever is in charge will probably win. Where will we be as Switzerland or Europe in the future? Has prosperity caught up with us. Top leaders speak on the various points.



"Leadership and Health - Prevention and Reintegration".

We are pleased to be able to offer you an attractive programme with the following topics again this year: 

KMU SWISS Symposium Brugg 2023


Supply and resources are important aspects of running a successful economy. We have seen that this is the case in the last two years and are currently experiencing the aftermath. Shortages and problems can lead to massive conflicts. Empty warehouses, transport failures, shortages of necessities such as energy, water, food, raw materials, etc. cripple an economy. Whoever is in charge will probably win. Where will we be as Switzerland or Europe in the future? Has prosperity caught up with us. Top leaders speak on the various points.

campus hall sound&arts


Event to amaze and amuse with comedy, acrobatics, music and captivating entertainment. Michel Gammenthaler lets the most amazing artists shine on the CAMPUSSAAL stage for the 10th anniversary.

Industry Forum 2025

industrieforum hoch flyer 1 - CAMPUSSAAL

On 9 May, the Industry 4.0 community will meet for the anniversary edition in Brugg-Windisch. Together with around 300 participants from the manufacturing industry, we will welcome our keynote speaker this year, Thomas Zurbuchen, Head of Science at NASA until the end of 2022, as well as 25 exhibitors at the expert expo.


swonet flyer high - CAMPUSSAAL

A conference for all people who appreciate combining knowledge transfer with networking. Look forward to an eventful day with valuable impulses and inspiring conversations.

Culture Night 2023

campussaal culture night 2023 page 2 - CAMPUSSAAL

We invite you to the Culture Night 2023 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 24 - 25 FEBRUARY 2023 Programme: Friday, 24.02.2023 18.00 Opening / Welcome(Heidi Ammon / Leo Geissmann) 18.30 - 19.00 Jodlerclub Effingen 19.15 - 19.45 Trachtengruppe Birmenstorf 20.00 - 20.30 STV Brugg Gymnastics 20.45 - 21.15 Musikschule Windisch 21.15 - 21.45 [...]

Review-campus hall winter-night 2022

winternight flyer - CAMPUSSAAL

The seventh "campussaal winter-night" on Friday, 2 December 2022 will take place! You can expect a festive gala dinner with musical accompaniment by Swiss dialect musician Adrian Stern and regional newcomers Paolafuerte.

campus hall movie-night 2022

campussaal flyer movie night - CAMPUSSAAL

The stage is set for the first "campussaal movie-night" in the CAMPUSSAAL. Come along on Saturday 04 June 2022 and enjoy the show. The Swiss film classic "Ernstfall in Havanna" guarantees an unforgettable evening.


campussaal flyer former campussaal real estate summit - CAMPUSSAAL

The Digital Real Estate Summit is THE platform for all players in the real estate industry who see the digital world as an opportunity and want to open up new business opportunities and further develop existing ones.

campus hall winter-night 2021

campussaal flyer former campussaal winter night 2021 - CAMPUSSAAL

The sixth "campussaal winter-night" took place on Friday, 3 December 2021. The festive gala dinner was musically accompanied by regional newcomer Cinzia Catania, who got the guests in the mood for the evening with her performance. The gala evening was crowned by the rousing performance of Swiss R&B and soul musician Seven.