We invite you to the

20th SIZ Care Forum


The motto of the 20th SIZ Care Forum is

"Changing working environments - health, leadership and prevention".

We are pleased to be able to offer you an attractive programme with the following topics again this year: 

  • "Strengthening programme for brain, body and soul - growth through curiosity"
    Dr Barbara Studer, hirncoach.ch

  • "Risk assessment of psychological stress - constructive handling of psychological risks and 
    Resources in the company
    Prof. Dr Andreas Krause, FHNW Olten

  • "Ability to work and mental health - complex correlations and high expectations" 
    Prof. Dr Matthias Jäger, Psychiatry Baselland

  • "Focus on labour law: A foray into current issues surrounding the topic of incapacity for work"
    Kurt Mettler, Attorney-at-Law, SIZ Care AG

  • "The human enterprise - dealing with (unwanted) change" 
    Lukas Christen, Sempach


Friday, 6 September 2024

from 08.45 am:

Door opening, welcome coffee

09.15 am:

Welcome/introduction Michael Sokoll, moderator Kurt Mettler, SIZ Care AG, Zurich

09.40 am:

"Strengthening programme for brain, body and soul -
Growth through curiosity" Dr Barbara Studer, hirncoach.ch

10.30 am:

Coffee break

11.00 am:

"Risk assessment of psychological stress
Dealing constructively with psychological risks and
Resources in the company" Prof. Dr Andreas Krause, FHNW Olten

11.45 am:

"Ability to work and mental health -
Complex correlations and high expectations" Prof. Dr Matthias Jäger, Psychiatry Baselland

12.30 pm:

Stand-up lunch/lunch break

1.40 pm:

"Focus on labour law: A foray through current
Questions on the subject of incapacity for work" Kurt Mettler, lawyer, SIZ Care AG

2.20 pm:

"The human enterprise -
Dealing with (unwanted) change" Lukas Christen, Sempach

3.15 pm:

Competition draw/closing words followed by aperitif


Friday, 6 September 2024


CHF 330.00 (plus VAT)




CAMPUSSAAL Culture + Congresses
Bahnhofstrasse 6
5210 Brugg Windisch