Your opinion counts

Your feedback is important to us.

1 Event

We would like to ask you to send us detailed feedback so that we can adapt our services even better to your needs. We are happy to hear your praise, but above all your sincere criticism is also very important to us. 

Feedback from your guests and staff, mainly regarding the location, would also be very exciting for us. Likewise, if you could provide us with your photos of the event. You can hand them over to us on a storage medium or send them to Many thanks in advance.

Because your opinion is the one that counts for us!

Advice / support in the run-up to the event
Technical support by Venuepartner

Supervision / support during the event
Premises / Infrastructure

Service + drinks by CAMPUSSAAL

Catering / Food by catering partner

Decoration / Staging

Overall impression

Upload photos of your event here!

Contact details

May we use your feedback as a reference?

We would be happy to reserve the CAMPUSSAAL for your next event. Do you already know the date?

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