
Change of ownership of shares in ABA Management GmbH

ABA Management GmbH is the company that has been responsible for the operation of the event location "CAMPUSSAAL Kultur + Kongresse" since its opening in October 2013 on behalf of the two owner municipalities of Brugg and Windisch. 

ABA Management GmbH, Remigen, 20.05.2021: As of 30.03.2021, the sale of approximately 70% of the company's ordinary shares - which were previously held by Armin + Ute Baumann - to S&S Capital GmbH was completed. The remaining 30 % of the company's ordinary shares remain in the possession of the operational managing director Kathrin Kalt.

Continuity in the operational area and sustainable further development in the strategic environment

While in the area of customer relations the previous long-standing and successful team continues to guarantee the competence of event management for event customers, the new shareholder creates important synergies in the area of online marketing. The company S&S Capital GmbH (owned by the shareholders Patrick Sutter and the two brothers Siryl and Sliman Souissi) is well known through its participation in various specialised companies, such as ander FOCUS INTERNET AG (, a so-called "perfect match" in the field of online marketing.

This creates synergies that offer enormous advantages for the operation of the CAMPUSSAAL - especially in the currently very challenging Corona period. The existing excellent customer relationships and professional competences in the core business of event location operation will be focused on new customer segments in the future, in that mainly the efforts of outbound sales and online marketing will be supported by the young team of S&S Capital GmbH with additional know-how, which will make an indispensable contribution to sustainable further development, especially in the central environment of digitalisation.

In the area of own events, too, the wide-ranging corporate relations of S&S Capital GmbH will increase the utilisation of the hall in a valuable way. In this constellation, the operation of the CAMPUSSAAL is optimally equipped for the future.

Development assessment

Due to the above-mentioned developments, as well as the Federal Council's announcement that the population willing to be vaccinated will be immunised by the summer - and that corresponding comprehensive relaxation will make the event business possible again to a certain extent - the operational management can express a positive assessment of the business development over the next 12 months. We believe that we will be able to overcome this crisis in a stronger and more ideal position and are in the starting blocks for a "new start" soon.